Client: State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Harbors Division
Location: Honolulu, Oahu
Project Type: Maritime, Land Development, Roadways, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change, and Sustainability
This project is required as part of the Development Plan for Relocation of Kapalama Military Reservation Tenants. Relocation of Pacific Ship Yard and other businesses from Kapalama to Pier 24 to Pier 28 area is a key factor in the Hawaii Harbor Modernization Plan to add more pier and backland capacity at Honolulu Harbor. This project is required to allow the development of properties within the Pier 24-28 area. The existing utility systems within the proposed project area are not adequate to accommodate the proposed master plan development. The project included waterfront facilities repair; infrastructure improvements including design of water system (domestic and fire), sewer system (gravity and pressure), structural engineering design (utility boxes and penetration through bulkhead), and electrical engineering design (power, lighting, cable television, and telephone); and hazardous materials mitigation within the Pier 24-28 area to accommodate planned development.