Nawiliwili Harbor Infrastructure Improvements

Prime Consultant | Project Management | Planning and Permitting | Civil Engineering | Surveying

Nawiliwili Harbor Infrastructure Improvements

Prime Consultant | Project Management | Planning and Permitting | Civil Engineering | Surveying

Client: State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation – Harbors Division
Location: Lihue, Kauai
Project Type: Maritime, Land Development, Roadways, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Sustainability

This project included waterfront facilities repair, infrastructure improvements including drainage system, debris analysis, roadway, walkway, and lighting design.  The RMTC team designed improvements and obtained government approvals. Sustainable features included HDOT Water Quality Standards, State DOH Section 401 (water quality) and NPDES permits, and designed for low impact development.  Civil Engineering design included preparing Site Layout, Site Utility, Grading and Drainage, Soil Stabilization, Erosion Control/BMPs, as well as preparing specifications, proposal schedule, water quality report, and cost estimates.  RMTC Planners prepared NPDES Form C, F, and G permit application.  An HRS, Chapter 343 Declaration of Exemption was also prepared for the infrastructure improvements.